Top Cream Cheese Swap

Vegan Cream Cheese

Brand: Galaxy Nutritional Foods

Product: Vegan Cream Cheese Substitute, Chive & Garlic (my favorite), & Plain

I only get this every once in a while because it is still a processed food, but of the cream cheese substitutes, this is definitely one of the healthier (if not healthiest), has the best consistency, and tastes fantastic! The chive & garlic is my favorite, but the classic plain flavor is good as well. When I need a savory treat, I spread it on rice crackers… yum!! And when I have guests I serve it with whole grain or gluten-free bagels and get nothing but compliments.

Vegan Cream Cheese


  1. Name

    “Cream cheese” is mostly an occasional treat for me too…but if I am into treats, Galaxy is a perfect base for “cream cheese icing” for carrot cake too! And a spoonful added to any “creamy” soup or sauce (I usually use cashew cream these days) really softens the texture.