Sexy Fit Vegan-Approved Pasta!

Are you ready for this?


A low-carb, high-protein, high-fiber, organic, grain-free, gluten-free, preservative-free, vegan pasta that actually tastes great!!!

Organic Mung Bean Fettuccine

Brand: Explore Asian

It can be tricky to find locally so you may need to order it and stock up. You can find it on Amazon
among many other online health food stores.

Make sure to sign up for the FREE Sexy Fit Vegan Newsletter for a super easy to make healthy Mac’n Cheese recipe I created… YUMMY!!!


  1. steve

    And if you like pesto on your pasta, I recently harvested my basil leaves and made vegan pesto. I used a standard pesto recipe, substituting nutritional yeast for the parmesan cheese. It’s so simple, so delicious.